Our services



The People Company forma parte del grupo de empresas que brindan servicios de limpieza, ya que nos preocupamos por que tu área de trabajo sea segura para tu salud, la de tu equipo de trabajo y tus clientes.

Con nuestro servicio de conserjería y limpieza profesional te proporcionamos un servicio con personal altamente calificado, equipos especializados, productos químicos e insumos y nuestro sistema de supervisión diseñado para mantener y conservar tus áreas de trabajo en impecables condiciones de limpieza.

Solicitar Información

    Con nuestro servicio de conserjería y limpieza profesional te proporcionamos un servicio con personal altamente calificado, equipos especializados, productos químicos e insumos y nuestro sistema de supervisión diseñado para mantener y conservar tus áreas de trabajo en impecables condiciones de limpieza.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

    Nunc ipsum magna:

    Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

    Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis:

    Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

    • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
    • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
    • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
    • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.

    Nuestros servicios de conserjería y limpieza profesional:

    empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento-nombres de empresas de limpieza
    Conserjería y limpieza corporativa

    La limpieza corporativa está diseñada para el mantenimiento de oficinas, agencias varias, bancos, centros gerenciales, instituciones, plantas de producción, centros comerciales.

    Contamos con personal capacitado, los equipos de última generación para estas áreas delicadas de trabajo como limpieza de alfombras, mobiliario general (sillas, paneles de divisiones de distintos tipos de superficie).

    Además, contamos con programaciones de limpieza diseñadas específicamente para las necesidades de tus instalaciones.  Brindamos atención personalizada en reuniones gerenciales y servicio de catering.

    empresas de limpieza-nombres de empresas de limpieza
    Lavado de parqueos

    Somos una empresa especializada en limpieza y mantenimiento de parqueos como: limpieza y desengrasado de pisos y paredes, topes de parqueo, columnas, tubería aérea y cualquier área específica del parqueo, enfocado al sector industrial, comercial, institucional y vivienda.

    Nos acoplamos a cualquier tipo de horario con el fin de no interrumpir los horarios de operaciones normales y afluencia de personas.

    agencias de outsourcing-outsourcing
    Limpiezas de altura

    Somos una empresa especializada en limpieza y mantenimiento trabajos de altura como limpieza de vidrios, limpieza de fachadas y mantenimientos de pintura o colocaciones de accesorios varios enfocado al sector industrial, comercial, institucional y habitacional.

    Hacemos un análisis minucioso de su problema de mantenimiento y limpieza en puntos de gran altura, para llegar a la solución más adecuada.

    Nuestra empresa funciona bajo las normas más estrictas de calidad y contamos con un equipo profesional que cumple con los parámetros de seguridad industrial y capacitaciones para cumplir las expectativas de nuestro cliente.

    • Máquina Elevadora (Hulk) 14mts punto más alto vertical.
    • Máquina Elevadora – Bill Jack   10mts su punto más alto vertical.
    • Máquina Elevadora (Jenny) 12mts su punto más alto vertical
    • Máquina Elevador Manual Raiser 9mts su punto más alto vertical.
    • Guindola de Aluminio Marca Skipe Tlember 5 MTS , MONOFASICA.
    • Guindola de Metal 4 mts TRIFASICA.
    • Guindola de Metal 4 mts  MONOFASICA.
    empresas de limpieza en guatemala-empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento
    Maquinaria disponible para limpiezas profundas (Oficinas, Alfombras, Parqueos y Áreas Comunes)
    • Pulidora de piso de alta y baja revolución de  20” Y 17  para lavado, pulido, vitrificado de pisos o lavado de alfombras.
    • Hidrolavadora de alta presión de combustible y eléctrica para hidrolavado a presión de superficies como pisos, paredes etc.
    • Aspiradora seco mojado de 16, 10 y 8 galones  para trabajos de aspirado y complemento en lavados generales
    • Auto lavadoras de piso – tipo piloto a bordo  para lavado de pisos en áreas extensas
    • Extractora para limpieza de muebles y sillas para lavado de muebles, paneles, sillas  en general.
    • Pistolas de arena para limpieza de fachadas, pisos o estructuras de piedra
    • Turbo secadoras tipo gorgorito de alta revolución de 3 velocidades para secado en áreas previamente trabajadas como lavado de alfombra, áreas comunes o tarea final en limpiezas de áreas que sufrieron algún tipo de inundación para evitar acumulación de humedad.
    nombres de empresas de limpieza-empresas de limpieza en guatemala
    Otros servicios que podemos brindarte por evento
    • Lavado de pisos.
    • Limpieza con arena para estructuras de piedra.
    • Lavado de pisos en área industrial y comercial como (supermercados, centros comerciales, parqueos, bodega).
    • Power Wash (limpieza de piso, tubería, columnas, paredes y accesorios de parqueos).
    • Lavado de alfombras.
    • Vitrificado de pisos.
    • Sellado de pisos.
    • Pulido de pisos.
    • Aspirado general de áreas.
    • Lavado de muebles ( sillas, sillones y paneles de tela).
    • Pintura general.

    Ventajas o beneficios:

    • Con empresas que brindan servicios de limpieza, ahorras tiempo y dinero pues al contratar nuestro servicio de conserjería, tendrás un paquete que incluye limpiezas profundas profesionales y limpiezas de alturas a la medida de tus instalaciones con maquinaria y equipo profesional.
    • Cobertura de ausencias.
    • Obtendrás resultados profesionales con garantía de calidad.
    • Garantías legales y descarga de responsabilidades patronales.
    • Flexibilidad de horarios para trabajar sin interrumpir las operaciones de tu empresa.
    • Equipo de última generación que garantizan resultados óptimos.
    • Cumplimiento de estándares de seguridad ocupacional.
    empresas que brindan outsourcing-bpo
    +people +outsourcing
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    Nuestros servicios:

    Our services

    Sanitation and Disinfection Services


    We have qualified personnel and equipment in the application of virucidal and fungicide through nebulization to free the environment from any contamination.

    Trust the professionals to sanitize and / or disinfect the environments of your office or home.

    Ask for Information

      The People Company is part of the chain of cleaning companies in Guatemala. Based on the measures to keep work areas, condominiums and homes clean and disinfected and thus prevent contagion of possible diseases, which can be transmitted by being in contact with infected surfaces, we put at your disposal the professional sanitation service through nebulization in cold for the elimination of viruses and bacteria.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
      • Nullam tincidunt ipsum quis pretium pulvinar.
      • Nullam tincidunt ipsum quis pretium pulvinar.
      • Nullam tincidunt ipsum quis pretium pulvinar.
      • Nullam tincidunt ipsum quis pretium pulvinar.

      Our services for sanitization and disinfection of environments:

      empresas que brindan servicio de limpieza-nombres de empresas de limpieza
      ULV Cold Fog Sanitization

      It consists of the application of a fast and effective disinfectant with germicidal effect for the elimination of up to 99.99% of viruses, fungi, spores and bacteria through ultra low volume technology, it is carried out by means of a cold machine that produces drops of between 5-50 microns.

      Drops of this size float in the air for 10 minutes after application so that they can reach the most inaccessible places, where microorganisms can live.

      The sanitizer product is highly effective in controlling H1N1, Influenza, Coronavirus, Herpes Simplex (1 and 2), Adenovirus type 4, Rubella, E. Coli Bacteria, Pseudomonas, Aeruginosa, Listeria Monocytogenes and fungi. It is 100% Biodegradable and ecological, with a neutral PH and a speed of action of less than 60 seconds. Non-Corrosive, it does not damage plastic, steel, wood, skin, polyethylene, concrete among others, with a neutral PH speed of action in less than 60 seconds.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

      Equipment we use to perform sanitization:

      • C150 nebulizer.
      • Protective suit and equipment.
      • Protective medical cap.
      • Covers footwear for medical use (Disposable).
      • Protective gloves.
      • Protective mask.
      • Protective lens against organic fluids.

      Ventajas o beneficios:

      • Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu.
      • Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu.
      • Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu.
      • Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu.
      • Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu.
      bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
      Are you interested in this service?
      Fill out the form to receive more information

      Nuestros servicios:

      Our services



      We execute your marketing strategies in points of sale (supermarkets, warehouses, stores, hardware stores, etc.) from the outsourcing, process, to the supervision and reporting of the activities and promotions of your brand, so that you achieve optimal results in the sale, product exposure, quality and rotation.

      We have warehouses for the safekeeping of your POP material, product for tasting or promotion.

      Ask for Information

        Ejecutamos tus estrategias de mercadeo en puntos de venta (supermercados, almacenes, tiendas, ferreterías, etc.) desde el proceso de outsourcing, hasta la supervisión y reportería de las actividades y promociones de tu marca, para que logres óptimos resultados en la venta, exposición, calidad y rotación del producto.

        Personnel we can manage:

        Promoter / Promoter / Taster:
        It is the seller who promotes and shows the advantages of a product at a point of sale (super store, supermarket, warehouse, etc.), in order to influence the purchase of said product. The taster gives to taste the product (food and beverages) and, where appropriate, its applications through various recipes (prepared foods).
        It is a seller who promotes and shows the advantages of a product at a point of sale (super store, supermarket, warehouse, etc.), in order to influence the purchase of said product. The taster gives to taste the product (food and beverages) and, where appropriate, its applications through various recipes (prepared foods).
        Promoters of special events:
        Promotion can be defined as the set of activities carried out to develop sales, giving life to the establishment and making it more attractive to actual and potential customers.
        • Make demonstrations of items for sale, in order to inform customers about their characteristics and use, as well as stimulate purchase interest, answering questions and advising on the use of the products.
        • Sell products, take orders and arrange what is necessary for the payment, delivery and dispatch of the products.
        • Offer product samples and distribute catalogs and advertising material.
        • Sales promoters can work at street level by looking directly for customers and offering them promotions, discounts, or product information. They can also work in a booth inside a shopping center or a fair, here they can offer samples or tests of the product, and also information, promotions and discounts.

        Some of our merchandising services

        outsourcing-facility management tools
        It is a mobile, inexpensive audible medium that is easy to transport and has no barriers. There are different types, elements and it varies according to the type of information that you want to convey.
        • Informal: It is broadcast in various places by different means, whether in cars, bicycles or on mobile billboards. It is a clear, short and concise message in 10.20, maximum 30 seconds.
        • Official: They are located in specific places in the institutions and serve as support to transmit communications, interviews, among others.
        facility management-facility management services
        The advertising technique «below the line», consists of the use of non-massive forms of communication for marketing aimed at specific market segments. The promotion of products or services is carried out through actions that are characterized by the use of creativity, surprise and a sense of opportunity; which creates novel channels to send advertising messages.
        Flyer and advertising backpacks
        In the middle of the digital age, the flyer remains firm as an effective and economical means of information communication. The pedestrian or driver who receives it only has to spend a few seconds to see its content and even if they discard it, this advertisement has already fulfilled its function. It is very useful for targeting prospects by geographic area, low cost compared to other media, good material to pass the voice from one customer to another and easy to implement. There are some variations of the flyer, such as promoters with an advertising backpack that, in addition to distributing flyers, allow pedestrians or drivers a little further away to see the advertising messages or the brand on the panel that the promoter carries on the back.
        Vehicle rental and preparation of stands or utensils for promotions
        We are able to develop stands, kiosks or whatever you need for your promotions at points of sale, as well as the rental of vehicles and their labeling with your brand.

        Advantages or benefits:

        • We do visa procedures in stores that require it, which saves you time and resources
        • Bank of candidates ready for permanent or temporary promotions
        • Coverage of absences
        • Ability to manage your marketing strategies throughout the Central American region, which guarantees standardization, homogeneity and saves you time and money.
        • Warehouses for the protection of your POP materials or utensils for promotions.
        bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
        Are you interested in this service?
        Fill out the form to receive more information

        Nuestros servicios:

        Our services

        Recruitment and Selection


        We are your strategic ally in Staffing. Don’t worry about the processes to hire the right staff for your organization.

        Certified under the ISO 9001-2015 standard, which allows us to guarantee continuous improvement and quality management for the recruitment and selection process.

        Ask for information

          We are specialists in the selection of personnel for any area (operators, administrative, sales forces, telemarketing, merchandising, pilots, messengers, etc.). We have robust databases and an ISO 9001-2015 certified selection process that guarantee the hiring of qualified personnel to meet your needs. Tools to conduct online interviews and thus streamline the selection processes and ensure that you do not run out of hiring the human resource essential for your organization.

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

          Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

          Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

          Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 

          Our services in recruitment and selection of personnel:

          staffing-gestion administrativa
          Psychometric test
          A psychometric test is one in which the personality characteristics of an individual, as well as their aptitudes, are evaluated. They are objective tools that complement the personnel selection process, since they allow to identify the potential of a candidate in relation to the tasks to be performed in the job position. We have batteries of psychometric tests 100% online, which allow agility in obtaining results, flexibility and little manipulation in the selection processes.
          payroll-payroll recursos humanos
          Socioeconomic studies
          It is another tool that complements the selection process and that allows through a procedure of documentation, investigation, corroboration, analysis and evaluation to collect socio-economic, labor, family and social information about a candidate to occupy a position within an organization.
          facility management companies-facility management services
          Polygraphic tests
          The polygraph test is an investigative instrument or mechanism that allows, through specialized techniques, to approach the truth in different aspects of the candidate such as: labor, administrative, academic, legal, among others. Through the evaluation of the physiological responses that emanate from the reaction that occurs in the body to stressful stimuli, changes in blood pressure and heart rate, respiration and the electrical nature of the skin.
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 
          bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
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          Nuestros servicios:

          Our services

          BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

          BPO (Business Process Outsourcing)

          Get your collaborators to focus on your business, outsourcing units or processes that have general operational functions, obtaining better results through careful selection and training of personnel.

          Ask for Information

            In order to improve the profitability of your company, The People Company offers its outsourcing services so that you can outsource any of the processes that are not part of the value chain, for example: warehouse, packaging, courier, distribution processes, production, etc.

            We provide qualified personnel, supervision, measurements through indicators and coverage of absences.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit:

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit:

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit:

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 

            • Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. 
            • Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum.
            • Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum.
            • Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum.

            Our Outsourcing BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Services:

            We recruit, select and hire the ideal staff to perform any of these tasks in your organization, saving you time and resources in this process.
            Temporary staff
            Save time and resources by outsourcing temporary staff or outsourcing services to your company in peak production seasons or high seasonal demands.
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

            Advantages or benefits:

            • Saving time and resources by delegating the recruitment, selection and hiring processes of personnel to an expert. This implies a high investment of time and human resources if it is done with the company’s own resources.
            • It allows you to delegate operational tasks to experts, and thus focus and streamline the use of company resources in those processes that generate value for your company or your “core business”.
            • It improves the quality of these secondary processes, since experts in the field are being delegated who will be able to streamline the processes, save money through economies of scale and hire the right personnel.
            • Coverage of staff absences
            • Constant supervision and delivery of reports.
            • Eliminate the legal burden and labor for your company.
            • Administration and management of purchases, travel expenses, transportation, and any other resources necessary to carry out the process.
            bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
            Are you interested in this service?
            Fill out the form to receive more information

            Nuestros servicios:

            Our services

            Janitorial and Cleaning Services


            The People Company is part of the group of companies that provide cleaning services, since we care that your work area is safe for your health, that of your work team and your clients.

            With our professional cleaning and concierge service we provide you with a service with highly qualified personnel, specialized equipment, chemicals and supplies and our monitoring system designed to maintain and preserve your work areas in impeccable clean conditions.

            Ask for Information

              Con nuestro servicio de conserjería y limpieza profesional te proporcionamos un servicio con personal altamente calificado, equipos especializados, productos químicos e insumos y nuestro sistema de supervisión diseñado para mantener y conservar tus áreas de trabajo en impecables condiciones de limpieza.

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

              Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

              Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

              Nunc ipsum magna:

              Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

              Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis:

              Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

              • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
              • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
              • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
              • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.

              Our professional janitorial and cleaning services:

              empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento-nombres de empresas de limpieza
              Our professional janitorial and cleaning services:

              Corporate cleaning is designed for the maintenance of offices, various agencies, banks, management centers, institutions, production plants, shopping centers.

              We have trained personnel, the latest generation equipment for these delicate work areas such as carpet cleaning, general furniture (chairs, partition panels of different types of surfaces).

              In addition, we have cleaning schedules designed specifically for the needs of your facilities. We provide personalized attention in management meetings and catering service.

              empresas de limpieza-nombres de empresas de limpieza
              Parking washing
              We are a company specialized in cleaning and maintenance of parking lots such as: cleaning and degreasing of floors and walls, parking stops, columns, overhead pipes and any specific parking area, focused on the industrial, commercial, institutional and housing sectors. We adapt to any type of schedule in order not to interrupt normal operating hours and influx of people.
              agencias de outsourcing-outsourcing
              Height cleaning
              We are a company specialized in cleaning and maintenance work of height such as glass cleaning, facade cleaning and maintenance of paint or placement of various accessories focused on the industrial, commercial, institutional and housing sectors. We make a thorough analysis of your maintenance and cleaning problem at high altitude points, to arrive at the most appropriate solution. Our company operates under the strictest quality standards and we have a professional team that complies with industrial safety parameters and training to meet our client’s expectations.
              • Elevator Machine (Hulk) 14mts highest vertical point.
              • Elevator Machine – Bill Jack 10mts its highest vertical point.
              • Elevator Machine (Jenny) 12mts its highest vertical point.
              • Manual Raiser Elevator Machine 9mts its highest vertical point.
              • Skipe Tlember 5 MTS Aluminum Guindola, MONOFASICA
              • Metal Guindola 4 meters THREE-PHASE.
              • Metal Guindola 4 meters SINGLE PHASE.
              empresas de limpieza en guatemala-empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento
              Machinery available for deep cleaning (Offices, Carpets, Parking and Common Areas)
              • 20 ”AND 17” high and low revolution floor polisher for washing, polishing, glazing floors or carpet washing.
              • High pressure fuel and electric pressure washer for pressure water washing of surfaces such as floors, walls, etc.
              • 16, 10 and 8 gallon wet dry vac for vacuuming and supplementing general laundering jobs.
              • Auto floor washers – pilot type on board  for floor washing in large areas.
              • Extractor for cleaning furniture and chairs for washing furniture, panels, chairs in general.
              • Sand guns for cleaning facades, floors or stone structures.
              • 3-speed high revolution gorgorito turbo dryers for drying in previously worked areas such as carpet washing, common areas or final task in cleaning areas that suffered some type of flooding to avoid moisture accumulation.
              nombres de empresas de limpieza-empresas de limpieza en guatemala
              Other services that we can provide you per event
              • Floor washing.
              • Sand cleaning for stone structures.
              • Washing of floors in industrial and commercial areas such as (supermarkets, shopping centers, parking lots, warehouse).
              • Power Wash (cleaning of floors, pipes, columns, walls and parking accessories).
              • Carpet washing.
              • Vitrification of floors.
              • Floor sealing.
              • Polishing of floors.
              • General vacuuming of areas..
              • Furniture washing (chairs, armchairs and fabric panels).
              • General painting.

              Advantages or benefits:

              • With companies that provide cleaning services, you save time and money because by hiring our concierge service, you will have a package that includes professional deep cleaning and cleaning of heights tailored to your facilities with professional machinery and equipment.
              • Coverage of absences.
              • You will obtain professional results with a quality guarantee.
              • Legal guarantees and discharge of employer responsibilities.
              • Flexibility of hours to work without interrupting the operations of your company.
              • Latest generation equipment that guarantees optimal results.
              • Compliance with occupational safety standards.
              bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
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              Nuestros servicios:

              Our services

              Facility Management


              Efficient your company’s resources and focus on your business turn by delegating your facilities management to us. 

              Through our facility management tools we achieve savings and optimization of resources, guaranteeing the proper functioning of your facilities.

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                We also manage the purchase of indirect materials, taking care that your spaces are in optimal conditions for the comfort of your work team and clients.
                • Concierge
                • Security
                • Gardens
                • Front Desk
                • Preventive Maintenance
                • Facilities
                • Repairs
                • Quotes
                • Purchases
                  At The People Company, we summarize facility management services in three important points: productivity, financial savings and customer satisfaction.  

                Personal que podemos gestionar:

                Impulsador(a) / Promotor(A) / Degustador(a):

                Es un vendedor que promociona y muestra las ventajas de un producto en un punto de venta (súper tienda, supermercado, almacén, etc.), con el fin de influir en la compra de dicho producto.  El degustador da a probar el producto (alimentos y bebidas) y en su caso sus aplicaciones mediante diversas recetas (alimentos preparados).


                Es un vendedor que promociona y muestra las ventajas de un producto en un punto de venta (súper tienda, supermercado, almacén, etc.), con el fin de influir en la compra de dicho producto.  El degustador da a probar el producto (alimentos y bebidas) y en su caso sus aplicaciones mediante diversas recetas (alimentos preparados).

                Promotores de eventos especiales:

                La promoción puede definirse como el conjunto de actividades que se realizan para desarrollar las ventas, dando vida al establecimiento y haciéndole más atractivo para los clientes reales y potenciales.

                • Hacer demostraciones de artículos en venta, a fin de informar a los clientes acerca de sus características y utilización, además de estimular el interés de compra, respondiendo a las preguntas y asesorando sobre el uso de los productos.
                • Vender productos, tomar pedidos y disponer lo necesario para el pago, entrega y despacho de los productos.
                • Ofrecer muestras de productos y distribuir catálogos y material publicitario.
                • Los promotores de ventas pueden trabajar a pie de calle buscando directamente a los clientes y ofreciéndoles promociones, descuentos o información sobre el producto. También pueden trabajar en un stand dentro de un centro comercial o una feria, aquí pueden ofrecer muestras o pruebas del producto, y también información, promociones y descuentos.

                Our services in Facility Management:

                bpo-outsourcing guatemala
                Industrial or institutional food

                Industrial or institutional food service through the assembly of cafeterias with personalized menus taking into account the eating habits, preferences and specific needs of your company. Monthly menu system guaranteeing a rotation to avoid constant repetition.

                We have a service of frozen menus ready to serve on the spot, which saves time and resources, allowing a different variety depending on the taste of the diner.

                bpo-empresas que brindan outsourcing
                Warehouse management
                We manage the search for the ideal space  and manage your warehouses efficiently thanks to our facility management tools, in a comprehensive service, which includes everything from space rental, inventory management and control to distribution logistics and vehicle leasing.
                outsourcing guatemala-outsourcing
                Executive Accommodation Management

                We are dedicated to finding the perfect place for your expat or visiting executives.

                Apartment rental and hotel-like service management, which includes cleaning, laundry, check in, check out, maintenance, attention to requests and procedures so that you have a pleasant and personalized experience during your stay.

                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque faucibus tellus purus, vel congue magna aliquet eu. Duis lorem urna, auctor mattis dolor congue, consectetur dictum metus.

                Benefits of facility management services:

                • A single provider in charge of your facilities.
                • Centralization of associated processes.
                • Savings through economies of scale.
                • Continuous improvement processes.
                • Operational indicators.
                • Fast and efficient attention to your company staff.
                bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
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                Nuestros servicios:

                Our services

                Staffing and Payroll

                STAFFING AND PAYROLL

                We contribute to your cost reduction strategy, through our Payroll Administration service.

                It reduces physical infrastructure or human resources structure and delegates staffing management to an expert company, which represents greater efficiency, use of specialized software and generation of personalized and timely reporting.

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                  All this translates into higher productivity, lower operating costs and better attention to the needs of your collaborators. Payroll management is a service that involves carrying out the payroll process of our client, taking into account their characteristics and needs. The personnel included in the payroll, acquire a working relationship with us, for which we assume the employer and labor responsibility before the collaborator and the pertinent institutions.  This reduces your time to attend to legal / labor issues and we guarantee quality results every month.
                  outsourcing-agencias de outsourcing

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet:

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 

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                  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
                  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

                  Our Staffing and payroll administration services:

                  manejo de nomina-payroll
                  Payroll calculation

                  It consists of the calculation or payroll maquila. We take care of supporting the calculation and correct payment of employer social security obligations, severance pay, labor liabilities, taxes, etc. without the collaborator losing the employment relationship with the client. 

                  This service helps you to unload operational tasks of human resources, reducing costs and guaranteeing the quality and accuracy of the payments of your employer obligations.

                  We guarantee you personalized, punctual reporting and specialized software in the calculation and management of payroll.

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. 

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. 

                  Ventajas o beneficios:

                  • Hacemos los trámites de visado en las tiendas que lo requieran, lo cual te ahorra tiempo y recursos
                  • Banco de candidatos listos para promociones fijas o temporales
                  • Cobertura de ausencias
                  • Capacidad para gestionar tus estrategias de mercadeo en toda la región Centroamericana, lo cual te garantiza estandarización, homogeneidad y te ahorra tiempo y dinero.
                  • Bodegas para el resguardo de tus materiales POP o menaje para promociones.
                  bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
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                  Nuestros servicios:
