The People Company is part of the group of companies that provide cleaning services, since we care that your work area is safe for your health, that of your work team and your clients.

With our professional cleaning and concierge service we provide you with a service with highly qualified personnel, specialized equipment, chemicals and supplies and our monitoring system designed to maintain and preserve your work areas in impeccable clean conditions.

Ask for Information

Con nuestro servicio de conserjería y limpieza profesional te proporcionamos un servicio con personal altamente calificado, equipos especializados, productos químicos e insumos y nuestro sistema de supervisión diseñado para mantener y conservar tus áreas de trabajo en impecables condiciones de limpieza.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nunc ipsum magna:

Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis:

Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum facilisis condimentum augue, a ornare augue euismod elementum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

  • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
  • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
  • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.
  • Nunc ipsum magna, congue vitae euismod quis, imperdiet vitae felis.

Our professional janitorial and cleaning services:

empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento-nombres de empresas de limpieza
Our professional janitorial and cleaning services:

Corporate cleaning is designed for the maintenance of offices, various agencies, banks, management centers, institutions, production plants, shopping centers.

We have trained personnel, the latest generation equipment for these delicate work areas such as carpet cleaning, general furniture (chairs, partition panels of different types of surfaces).

In addition, we have cleaning schedules designed specifically for the needs of your facilities. We provide personalized attention in management meetings and catering service.

empresas de limpieza-nombres de empresas de limpieza
Parking washing
We are a company specialized in cleaning and maintenance of parking lots such as: cleaning and degreasing of floors and walls, parking stops, columns, overhead pipes and any specific parking area, focused on the industrial, commercial, institutional and housing sectors. We adapt to any type of schedule in order not to interrupt normal operating hours and influx of people.
agencias de outsourcing-outsourcing
Height cleaning
We are a company specialized in cleaning and maintenance work of height such as glass cleaning, facade cleaning and maintenance of paint or placement of various accessories focused on the industrial, commercial, institutional and housing sectors. We make a thorough analysis of your maintenance and cleaning problem at high altitude points, to arrive at the most appropriate solution. Our company operates under the strictest quality standards and we have a professional team that complies with industrial safety parameters and training to meet our client’s expectations.
  • Elevator Machine (Hulk) 14mts highest vertical point.
  • Elevator Machine – Bill Jack 10mts its highest vertical point.
  • Elevator Machine (Jenny) 12mts its highest vertical point.
  • Manual Raiser Elevator Machine 9mts its highest vertical point.
  • Skipe Tlember 5 MTS Aluminum Guindola, MONOFASICA
  • Metal Guindola 4 meters THREE-PHASE.
  • Metal Guindola 4 meters SINGLE PHASE.
empresas de limpieza en guatemala-empresas de limpieza y mantenimiento
Machinery available for deep cleaning (Offices, Carpets, Parking and Common Areas)
  • 20 ”AND 17” high and low revolution floor polisher for washing, polishing, glazing floors or carpet washing.
  • High pressure fuel and electric pressure washer for pressure water washing of surfaces such as floors, walls, etc.
  • 16, 10 and 8 gallon wet dry vac for vacuuming and supplementing general laundering jobs.
  • Auto floor washers – pilot type on board  for floor washing in large areas.
  • Extractor for cleaning furniture and chairs for washing furniture, panels, chairs in general.
  • Sand guns for cleaning facades, floors or stone structures.
  • 3-speed high revolution gorgorito turbo dryers for drying in previously worked areas such as carpet washing, common areas or final task in cleaning areas that suffered some type of flooding to avoid moisture accumulation.
nombres de empresas de limpieza-empresas de limpieza en guatemala
Other services that we can provide you per event
  • Floor washing.
  • Sand cleaning for stone structures.
  • Washing of floors in industrial and commercial areas such as (supermarkets, shopping centers, parking lots, warehouse).
  • Power Wash (cleaning of floors, pipes, columns, walls and parking accessories).
  • Carpet washing.
  • Vitrification of floors.
  • Floor sealing.
  • Polishing of floors.
  • General vacuuming of areas..
  • Furniture washing (chairs, armchairs and fabric panels).
  • General painting.

Advantages or benefits:

  • With companies that provide cleaning services, you save time and money because by hiring our concierge service, you will have a package that includes professional deep cleaning and cleaning of heights tailored to your facilities with professional machinery and equipment.
  • Coverage of absences.
  • You will obtain professional results with a quality guarantee.
  • Legal guarantees and discharge of employer responsibilities.
  • Flexibility of hours to work without interrupting the operations of your company.
  • Latest generation equipment that guarantees optimal results.
  • Compliance with occupational safety standards.
bpo guatemala-outsourcing guatemala
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